To achieve a healthy weight, let’s take the weight loss IQ quiz to see whether your “healthy” habits are actually hurting your waist size.
1. True or false: You can save calories by having your cereal without milk.
2. True or false: You should pick diet soda over regular to lose weight.
3. True or False: Fat-free dressing is the healthiest.
4. True or False: Breathing through your nose instead of your mouth during a workout burns more calories.
5. True or False: Dieting can be bad for your health, even if you succeed in slimming down.
6. According to the Health and Human Services Department, how long should you be vigorously exercising every week to stay healthy?
A. 45 minutes
B. 1.5 hours
C. 2.5 hours
D. 5 hours
7. At what point in your workout should you do cardio?
A. First
B. Last
C. Your entire workout should be cardio
D. It doesn't matter
8. A study found that people can eat up to what amount less to lose weight without triggering feelings of hunger?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 40%
9. If you're just starting to work out, what's the best way for you to burn fat?
A. Work out as hard as you can, for as long as you can.
B. Start slow with a short workout and increase your exercise time over a few weeks.
C. Do a short workout in the morning and a short workout in the evening.
D. Do interval training.
10. How soon before a workout should you eat to improve your performance?
A. 30 minutes
B. An hour
C. 90 minutes
D. 2 hours
What are the answers you get? Want to know whether you are healthy enough? (Ha-ha), I will release the answer after you finish the test later on.
Source by Marie Claire /By Diana Vilibert
I am waiting for your answer. I have completed this test successfully. Show me the answers please. I think one more point you should also add. It is "Is stretching before workouts a waste of time?" To know the answer of this just press Health News
ReplyDeletefind your answers at http://1dietfitnesshealth.blogspot.com/2009/07/got-your-answers-to-whats-your-weight.html